About Jay Stringer

Jay Stringer guides men and women to freedom from sexual brokenness so they can pursue the lives they desire.

Therapist, Minister, Researcher

Jay Stringer is a compassionate and experienced guide, dedicated to helping both men and women find freedom from sexual brokenness and pursue the life they truly desire. A licensed mental health counselor, an ordained minister, and an acclaimed international speaker, Jay provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals seeking to address unwanted sexual behavior.

Combating Sexual Exploitation and Pornography

Now based in New York City, Jay has spent more than a decade at the forefront of combating the demand for sexual exploitation and pornography. Through his clinical work, he offers a comprehensive understanding of the origins of sexual brokenness, shedding light on the factors that sustain these struggles. Jay is committed to helping individuals navigate their unique journey towards wholeness with empathy and expertise.

Jay’s academic background includes an MDiv and a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the renowned Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. Additionally, he has received specialized training under the esteemed Dr. Dan Allender while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Allender Center. These credentials further reinforce Jay’s commitment to providing professional and compassionate guidance on the path to healing and wholeness.

Award-Winning Author and More

Jay’s award-winning book, Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing, is the culmination of an extensive research project that delves into the stories of 3,800 men and women. This insightful work explores the underlying drivers of unwanted sexual behavior, offers valuable insights into why individuals may remain trapped in self-destructive patterns, and provides strategies to overcome the burden of shame. Unwanted has been widely embraced by counselors, churches, and small groups globally, affirming its impact and relevance.

Also, in collaboration with the Heart of Man film team, Jay developed an immersive 5-month online journey called The Journey Course. This transformative experience provides individuals, accountability partners, and small groups with a supportive and educational platform to pursue freedom from unwanted sexual behavior. To learn more about this empowering opportunity and access a complimentary episode, visit The Journey Course.

Connecting with Jay

Whether it’s speaking engagements, podcast appearances, or individual coaching intensives, Jay is available to share his wealth of knowledge and support.

For bookings and inquiries, please contact us.

The Breakthrough Approach in Unwanted

Sexual Difficulties Reveal Our Way to Healing


Conventional Approaches Fail

For too long, the overwhelmingly standard response to sexual difficulties has been to address it through the lens of lust management, even declaring war against it.

Sadly, attempts to conquer unwanted behaviors fail to guide us into the lasting freedom we desire.

Unaddressed Problems are the Key

There is another approach. It begins by listening and getting curious. Internet searches, fantasies, or low desire might influence you to feel shame, but far more, they reveal the unaddressed and therefore unresolved stories of your lives.

Sexual problems are roadmaps. They pinpoint the location of your past harm and highlight the current roadblocks that keep you from growth.

If we pay attention, our sexual difficulties will reveal the way to healing.

A Blended Approach

Most approaches to addressing unwanted sexual behavior, be that porn, infidelity, or low desire are singular and formulaic. We now know enough about spirituality, culture and the neuroscience of trauma, abuse, and out-of-control behaviors to know all of them must be integrated to create lasting freedom from unwanted sexual behavior.

Because our approach blends all of them, it works.

You can outgrow unwanted behaviors. We will show you how.

Get the Book


Explore the key drivers of unwanted sexual behavior, why people stay in self-destructive patterns, and how to disempower shame in this research-driven approach to healing.

Begin Your



Join others on a journey to healing in
a 3+ hour virtual workshop. Get hands-on time
with Jay himself as you apply what you read
in Unwanted.

Dive Deeper Into

Your Story


Take a life-changing deeper dive into
how your story is shaping your unwanted sexual behavior or betrayal trauma with 12 hours of individual coaching.